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Faith In Action Deliverance Ministries Georgia

Faith In Action Deliverance Ministries Georgia


About Us

We are thrilled to announce the expansion of Faith in Action Deliverance Ministries (FIADM) into Georgia! Lead by our Pastor Connie Moorer, our ministry has been dedicated to "Touching the World by Faith" through the transformative power of Jesus Christ.

Originally founded in New York, under the leadership of our overseer Apostle Dr. Violet Wallace, our ministry is one that believes in the significance of being “Hearers and Doers” of the “WORD” of God. Our leaders instill in us the commitment to serve and minister throughout the communities to draw lost souls to God, while teaching the believers how to develop an intimate relationship with God. Our national and international affiliation are bound and obligated by decree in carrying out the “Will” and “Purpose” of God!

Faith in Action Deliverance Ministries (FIADM) was birthed out of a weekly prayer meeting as prayer and supplication have been our foundation from the inception of FIADM.

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